She was mulling over her book, you see -- the one she was doing for Artisan Books, called My Marrakech. She had been writing. She had been sharing pages with strangers on planes. She had been taking photographs. She had been going back and forth with her editor.
She was trying to get it right.
She thought about books on Morocco that she loved. Like this one, Un Hiver Berbere: journal d'un sejour dans le Haut-Atlas, with text by Karin Huet and drawings by Titouan Lamazou.
It had.......such a sense of place.
Its writing was so sweet.
Its visuals were so arresting.
It was the kind of book you kept on your nightstand just so you could reach out and stroke its pages.
A book that kept you up late...very late, transported by its enchanting stories.
It was the sort of book that had you buying not only a copy for yourself.......but one for your best friend.
The blogging girl laced her fingers. She furrowed her brow.
She wanted her book to be special, too.
Unpretentious. Charming. Inspiring.
Most of all, she wanted it to be worthy. Worthy of your consideration.