Simply the most beautiful dresses I've ever owned.
From Yemen.
Between 75-80 years old.
Every stitch made by a person with a needle and a needle alone.
Yemeni haute couture.
Just a glimpse here. Shown with an antique necklace from Afghanistan, red glass beads from Sudan, and the beloved suzani cloak from Tajikistan.
It appears that Yemeni women have long understood the value of the little black dress.
I have three, all purchased from the same dealer. There were no others to be found. Each different - each undoubtedly the only one exactly of its kind.
In the foreground from the back. In the background from the front.
Meticulous embroidery work -- raised and textured.
Inset side panels make the waist look small without looking cinched. So clever.
Frayed in a place or two (or 3), as to be expected.
But the tiny silver threads said to be real silver.
Oh. Worth hanging from a star.
Sleek. One fits like it was made for me. 3/4 sleeves, 3/4 length on my 5 ft 6 inch frame.
To be worn with strappy sandals, the perfect lipstick, and hair in a loose chignon to show off back detailing.
Perhaps most striking on a hook or hanger on the back of a bedroom door. Deserving - as it is - of daily admiring.
Professionally cleaned (perhaps for the first time in several decades) by a French textile specialist. For sale to discriminating lovers of the rare and beautiful. Inquire at [email protected].
PS Many thanks to Blog Revue for the kind revue of this little blog.
PPS My family has been chosen for a luxury lifestyle advertising campaign. Shooting begins later this month. (Shh....don't tell them that we are luxuriously broke; we'll keep that our little secret.)